Wednesday, January 2, 2008

So I gave in...

and started a blog dedicated to my knit-focused endeavors.

I'm currently in Toronto for 2 weddings and have not touched any of the 3 ziplocks of yarn and needles I brought along. My time has been spent sleeping, eating, being with family, and pestering Garrett, although I did go with my mom to Knitomatic over on Bathurst, about a 10 min drive from the house we're staying at. I went to pick up the new issue of Knitscene, and picked up the fall 2005 issue as well since it was discounted. And 2 skeins of Misson Falls 1842 merino superwash wool in an olive greeny color to make a hat for Garrett. Eventually.

I don't know how I feel about starting a blog mostly dedicated to knitting. Oh well, it's worth a shot. Just like that application for the Marine Conservation Fellowship Program in Hawaii was worth a shot. We'll see how it goes. But for now, I'll enjoy my time in Toronto with my family...

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